Barbora Moravkova is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist with a degree from the California College of Ayurveda, a two-year state approved program recognized by the American Institute of Vedic Studies, Dr. David Frawley, and Dr. Subhash Ranade. She has studied Ayurveda in Pune, India, with two world-renowned doctors, Dr. Sucheta Godbole and Dr. Jagdish Bhutada in their Pancha Karma Clinic, pharmacy, and dispensary. While in India, Barbora actively participated in the day-to-day life at the Pancha Karma clinic, giving Ayurvedic treatments, helping to take clients through Pancha Karma (comprehensive Ayurvedic cleansing program), and making Ayurvedic remedies. She very strongly believes in the incredible healing power of Pancha Karma and has developed specialty in this practice. Barbora Moravkova is a native of Czech Republic and lived in the US from 1991-2008. She was practicing Ayurveda in Oakland, Emeryville, and San Jose. She has a BS in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Barbora enjoys time in nature, hiking, yoga, climbing and exploring. She feels very grateful that her life path has led her to Ayurveda and she loves to share her passion for Ayurveda with others. Barbora currently lives and practices in Wiesbaden, Germany. She offers Ayurvedic treatments, consultations, and Panchakarmas in Wiesbaden, as well as phone consultations and Panchakarma guidance to clients all over the world. She collaborates with practitioners in the Bay Area, who take care of Ayurveda Living clients there. To find out more about Barbora, her qualifications, experiences and much more, please visit Ayurveda Holistic Medicine |