Body Massage
Facial Rejuvenation
9 day Pancha Karma (all inclusive) $940 / 640 €
Ayurvedic system has the most comprehensive cleansing program, called Pancha Karma. Pancha Karma not only cleans the digestive system but also all of the tissues of the body.  Please see Pancha Karma Components to see what this program includes.

9 day Home Pancha Karma (self-administered with guidance) $450 / 300 €
Milder version of the Ayurvedic cleansing program, Pancha Karma, listed above.  Please see Home Pancha Karma Components to see what this version includes.

I did Pancha Karma with Ayurveda Living last summer. Even early on into the cleanse, people exclaimed how healthy I looked and how my skin ‘glowed.’ A year later, I still feel the health benefits from doing Pancha Karma – I don’t get sick as often, I have more energy, and I don’t put on weight as easily. And, I know how to maintain my own health much better through the principles of Ayurveda. I will incorporate all I learned about health during the cleanse into my daily living for the rest of my life.” 

- Rachel, 28 years old, San Francisco

Pancha Karma with Ayurveda Living was a very worthwhile commitment and a surprising and wondrous process. Health, vitality, enthusiasm and joy are far more present in my life. I am 51 years old and now have the energy of someone in their 20s or 30s. It is as if layers have been peeled away physically, mentally and emotionally, revealing more of who I truly am. Congestion that I had been struggling with for months completely cleared up on the third day of the program and has not returned. I am more interested in taking better care of myself because it contributes so immensely to the quality of life. There is tremendous strength and beauty within and panchakarma helped bring this understanding to the center of my everyday life. ” 

- Susan, 51 years old, Oakland

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